
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2021


The opposite of the verb to lessen is increase. The verb to lessen comes from the word “little” and its comparative form “less”. Whatever will be, will be, in Spanish is “sea lo que sea, será” and It means that it’s going to be what it has to be, you can’t do anything to change what is going to be. The song wants to mean that she doesn't know what her life will be like and she asked her mother, and then her child asked her the same question that she asked her mother.


The time goes very fast, because we were just starting the course and in the coming weeks we are going to finish the second term. We have to take advantage of the days because when the years go by, we won't be able to go back and we will regret it. Being able to go to high school all days during this year is a privilege, because there are many people who have online classes and they are not advancing as much as we are. Staying lonely is necessary to beat this pandemic because the people haven't been able to stay with their families as long as they would have liked.


I believe that like Dr. Félix Rodríguez, there are many people who want this too. It is good news, because if the hunt of wolves had continued, the moment would have arrived when the wolves would have extinguished. I know people who love hunting, but I have never liked it, and I think that I will never like it, because I don't like seeing how they kill animals. In conclusion, if there is too much hunting, like all the things, it will be bad. So if you hunt, you have to do it with moderation.

Dammed 2020 is finally coming to an end!

Last year had very few good things, but one of them is that we could stay with our family for a long time. Another good thing that has happened is that no one in my family got infected with the Covid virus. I hope this year they won´t get it either. The worst things last year is that we lived this global pandemic, the wild fires in the Amazonas rainforests, etc. From all these mistakes we have learned to value the time with the people that we love, a simple walk, the liberty that we had to be able to go out when we wanted,etc.

For our own good!

There are many students that have been staying in their houses because they have been infected with covid or they have been in contact with someone that has been infected, and this isn't good because when it's the turn  to come back to high school you don't have any idea and you are late. Having online classes is not the same as having them in high school, because you don't understand the things. During the quarantine we have been all people having online classes and we didn't learn the same, and we didn´t advance the same if we were in face to face classes.  I hope I don't have to live this situation, but I think that finally we will all catch it, because there are many people that don't comply with the rules. And the worst thing is that you can have bad luck and be infected, although you do things well.

Year of challenges

This year such strange things are happening, like last year. There are still more covid contagions, there have been many earthquakes in Granada, it has been snowing a lot in Madrid and there were people in their house without being able to go out, etc. One of my challenges this year is to have good marks, and I think that is for the most part of the students too. And another challenge is get my b1, but i don't know if it could be reality. This year is the year that more challenges we should have because we are living in a pandemic situation, and when the days are passing more strange things are happening.

Polyglots and Frontliners

  A polyglot is a person who has been learning some languages, in addition to his mother tongue.  I think that being polyglot is so difficult, because you need to hold a lot of information. But I think that all the effort it takes to be polyglot is reflected later in the future, because it has many advantages and it hasn't any disadvantages, because you learn about new cultures, you can travel anywhere and understand everything. Also, knowing many languages allows you to work anywhere, because you can work in different countries, like translator, with the public, etc.