
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022

Our Mediterranean Sea Seconary School students in hospital!!!

The world and humans are in a constant evolution, for that, we don't know what will happen in the future. For example, some years ago people couldn't imagine that there would exist computers, wifi, social media, etc. And nowadays all these things are the most normal and that 's what we are used to. I think the same will happen in a few years. What will the future be like? I've never thought about that before. I think we are not able to know what the world will be like because technologies are changing very fast and the world would be completely different like right now, I guess. But I'm sure that the earth in the future will be worse than today.  The metaverse is a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. This doesn't give me confidence and it seems crazy to me because we will run out of freedom because all people will be controlled by technology. Although nowadays we are controlled, I think that &#

Ready for the New Year?

Firstly, for me and I think for almost all people the new year starts in Septembre with the new routine, highschool and all these things. Although I also like the new year day because I spend the whole day with my family and we always have a good time together and share memories. Secondly, it’s very common to make New Year's resolutions, but there are people who make resolutions but then they don't achieve them. I think we should propose things that we know we are able to achieve, because if you don't achieve them, it's very frustrating. I didn't use to make resolutions but I've been making them for a few years and I think it’s a good idea to know what your goals are and achieve your challenges. During last year many bad things have happened like the eruption of La Palma, we are still fighting against the covid… etc. However, I guess we should remember the good things like almost all the population get vaccinated in Spain, the freedom of Britney Spears... Finall