Only you can make me happy

For each person the meaning of happiness is different, because the things that make someone happy may not make others happy.

Last year I learned that happiness is in the little things, in a hug, an unexpected message from someone that you love, a call, meeting someone that you haven't seen for a long time, etc. Also remembering good and funny moments, do improvised plans with my friends and spending time with my family makes me feel happy.

There is always a discussion about money bringing people happiness or not. There are people that think that happiness is in the money and others that happiness is to be with the people that you love and that you don't need money to feel happy. I think that happiness is not the money because with a lot of money and without being with the people that you love you are not happy, but I think money helps a lot, because with it you can do all that you like and want, and that lets you make your dreams come true and brings you the best thing, freedom. 

All in all, I think for being happy you don't need big things, only being with your family and doing whatever you like is enough.


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