
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2022

COMPOSITION5: "Get set... GO"

  People always say that money doesn’t bring happiness, and obviously it doesn’t, because mental and physical health is the most important thing. But it’s true that money helps you and facilitates many things in life. Lack of money causes many worries, because there are many people in the world who have to worry about if they have enough money to eat today or if they will have enough money to make ends meet. That makes me sad. I think people that have money to burn should help these people that are broke. If I had a lot of money, the first thing I would do is help people in need. And secondly I would like to get my driver's license as soon as I could and buy a car, because I love them and my dream has always been to be able to drive and have my own car. I would also buy my mother a house and give her enough money to stop working. All in all, money is not the most important thing but it helps a lot. For me the most important thing is spending good times with your relatives and your

Are mobile phones really suitable for children?

Nowadays, the person who doesn't have a mobile phones is quite extrange, because almost everyone, including the youngest children, have one.  Mobile phones have many advantages and also many disadvantages. The advantages are that you can search for any information that you need at each moment, you can talk with your friends and relatives online, you can meet new people from any part of the world, etc.  And some disadvantages are that it causes you many problems like, vision problems, social problems, all in all, it makes you overuse it. There are parents that want to take care of their children and they don't give them any electric devices since they are older or if they have to use it for something, it has to be with their permission. Meanwhile, there are other parents that give one to their children when they are too young to keep them entertained and in silence, and I don't think this is the most suitable option.  In conclusion, I don't think mobile phones are really

My job is to make you believe!!!

Believing and trusting in oneself I think is essential to be able to achieve anything you want to do.  When exams arrive I feel a little bit overwhelmed and I always try to do my best and  not get so anxious, although it is difficult, I hope one day I will stop feeling like that. I think that students shouldn’t be so overwhelmed with an exam, with time and with grades since it's only a number and life doesn’t end and you always have time to improve and do better next time. There are more people that don't believe in themselves and I think they should trust in them because when you have good thoughts, good things arrive. There will be occasions when you don't achieve your goals that you have proposed but that doesn't mean that you have to stop believing in yourself, that has to serve for doing better next time.  All in all, from my point of view, work, perseverance and self-confidence are essential for anyone. If you believe in yourself anything is possible.


Hi Lucía, How are you? It's been a long time since we don´t talk. I hope you are okay. I´m very well, this term I have been very busy studying and doing many things, but it was worth it because I have had really good marks. I'm writing to you because these days I have been thinking about what we could do during the summer holidays, and I have a lot of plans.  Firstly, I think we can go on a trip to the Maldives for 10 days. There we can do many things, we can go every morning to a different beach and rest with the incredible views, then, in the afternoon we can do something different every day, going for a walk, doing water sports like scuba diving, kayaking or paddle surfing. Secondly, I think we have to make use of the time to stay together and go camping in the mountains when we arrive from the Maldives because the last three weeks of my holidays I´m going to go to a house near the beach with my friends. I have seen a campsite in Barcelona and it was pretty cool. I think it